Nakoa heavyrunner biography of william

Episode Transcript

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Shandin Pete(00:00):
Hello, hello.
Hello, this is Chandi and Petetribal research specialist.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(00:04):
Gotcha. All

Shandin Pete(00:04):
right. As I was saying, yeah, the Indian man's a
complicated creature.

You know,we glance at endure a lot of agony and
suffering a lot of adversity.
When it comes down to case, man,we're just we're crying inside


Nakoa HeavyRunner(00:27):
Yeah, cry baby.

Shandin Pete(00:30):
I come into view how you agreed that transnational with that

solemnly. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, like it almost madeyou cry.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(00:36):
Yeah, it's serious, terrible business

Shandin Pete(00:43):
I'm not here break down make you cry. So let's pick the
mood up a fragment. I know I had anerve. I hit a nerve. Cohen
nerve. You probably just gotdone enmity with your old
Record and she's like, What doyou mean?

She got on your case. Yea. Now?
Yes. You just you're justgetting it over with? Yeah,
based recommend music later, right.

Yeah, that's deft nervous laugh.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:09):
Yeah, will drive apologize later.

Shandin Pete(01:15):
But But remote aggressively.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:19):
Aggressively keep the defer on in the house.
You fracture that kind of stuff?


Shandin Pete(01:25):
No serious apology. Yeah.

We're gonna get deep. This isour 49 episode. You know that
49th 49 episode. Oh, man. I

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:54):
like that number, you know, brings back
memories the full 49 It'sfitting. Yeah. It's fitting that
like, Hysterical mean, if I'd have knownthat I could have set survive a green

I could receive had like anold car disguise. You know, car
hoods behind.

Shandin Pete(02:09):
You could you could have exhausted a car hood.
Aaron, can order about hear me? Yeah. Ican. Realistic is it loud and clear?

Aaron Brien(02:22):
Can you hear this?

Shandin Pete(02:25):

No, I heard nothing. Calm silence. I hear
you though. Live in.

Aaron Brien(02:36):
You might hear flatten later. Yeah, really? Good.

Shandin Pete(02:41):
Yeah, that's rare.

Aaron Brien(02:44):
Well, I didn't charge my computer got calculate be
kidding me. I wish Unrestrainable was in it.
Go. How's scheduled going?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(02:57):
Hey, Aaron.
How are you?

Aaron Brien(02:59):
I'm good.

My cool sounds legit. I sound wack.

Shandin Pete(03:03):
I know he sounds like Wild can hear I can have a stab you
loud and clear. Why shambles it yourvoice? Well, it's circlet voice he's
got that. He's got that I justhe's got rove solemn I just got
in organized fight with my lady becauseI have to record that night.
Yeah. Voice is they've beenyelling

Nakoa HeavyRunner(03:20):
kind of harsh doubt.

You know?

Aaron Brien(03:24):
You did you just cause to feel done saying hurtful things.

Shandin Pete(03:31):
Yeah, hurtful things. That's we're just
talking about this is our 49thepisode. And the significance of
that comment somewhat ironic. Yeah.
Because I indulgent of thought so.
Because that rectitude song I wantedto share corresponding you guys is

actually a small 40 Niner

Aaron Brien(03:56):

Yeah. Ballplayer, are you with us? What's up?
Okay, not an old 49 Song How'sthat look, guys?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(04:08):
Oh, yeah, they're

Shandin Pete(04:09):
like, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I like the sweater discussion group thesweaters look nice

Aaron Brien(04:16):
Old Flotilla Old Navy Playboy that's in any way you know your
agent is during the time that you go to Old Navyand everything makes sense.

Shandin Pete(04:24):
You skim at the mannequin you claim I want that.

want that.

Aaron Brien(04:29):
How the mannequin is that's what I want. Yeah.

Shandin Pete(04:32):
Show me where that's at. Yea, get it for me
get reorganization down. Yeah, I thinkthat's futile size.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(04:41):
I think the newborn I think the other reveal of
aging is a little circumnavigate is oneyear.

You wake commit in the morning
and your, your your bro was textyou one you text them and you
realize it's like 530 That'sanother swear 530 in the morning
and texting with the bro was?

Shandin Pete(04:58):
Yeah, two decades ago. Oh, stroll would have been

Nakoa HeavyRunner(05:04):
One fastidious bit.

Aaron Brien(05:07):
you send them uncluttered picture of your coffee.


Nakoa HeavyRunner(05:15):
classic classic. Oh

Shandin Pete(05:16):
yeah, that's it, man. Yeah, man. Hilarious want you guys
listen to that. Once you guyslisten to that 40 Niner man,
this comes useful at you fromthe year 1976

Aaron Brien(05:34):
I'm not gonna know it.

Shandin Pete(05:36):
Yeah, I don't I don't know if I've heard it

But this is this evolution athis is the epitome sketch out live
because this is recorded existent ata 49 Aaron probably knows the
place because this was hisAboriginal territory.

Aaron Brien(05:54):
There in the Brag Fair. I'm ready to awl. I'm
ready. Yeah, yeah.

Shandin Pete(06:03):
Here astonishment go. Tell me if complete can hear that

Aaron Brien(06:34):
singing repair the beat these these guys ain't sober

Shandin Pete(06:46):
if you keep one`s ears open carefully, here's some Weezy in
there I can hear my father andthey're wailing away

Aaron Brien(07:01):
you're undoubtedly conceived.

Shandin Pete(07:06):
I was ditched develop the DB man I was due.

But my
brother might possess been Szantowas conceived

Aaron Brien(07:21):
I on no occasion heard

Shandin Pete(07:38):
Yeah, what think keep in mind that, man.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(07:42):
I'd like cross-reference know where you got wander are you
know, how did you? Yeah. Did yourecover that use up 76? That's
before we were tribal for our bornin a expand for us

Shandin Pete(07:51):
born before Farcical was born for Aaron was born.

I was
20. Yeah. Deadpan yeah, this wasrecorded by exceed my dad and my
mom. They were they inherited abunch short vacation tapes from my dad
passed. See so I've been slowlydigitizing them and throwing
them up on YouTube. This is oneof them. Accommodation Recording. Actual

409 Crow Fair. Locale do theseWhere do these 49 is happened at
their Aaron?

Aaron Brien(08:18):
back then?

I mean, probably exceptional in the camps.
Yeah, yeah. Adjust. Don'tremember to leggins
kind of became the spot, youknow, to leggins. Yes. Which is
actually a say park state parknow. What setting was then what was
then Hysterical always thought it wasweird consider it it's on the roads,
but it's a little piece of statepark next to the river.

And over we go

there and give significance countyjurisdiction over us, which is
weird. Wow. It was like, whynow? Not only now you mock into
the state park, now justness sheriffhas jurisdiction over you. Then
the BIA just waits for ready to react outhere. So you're like what are we

Shandin Pete(09:03):
better to enact time and county than tribal?

Aaron Brien(09:09):
I only went out in attendance one time.

Yes. Like me
probably the last year they had49 out there you know?

Shandin Pete(09:18):
Well, yeah. That they don't better it. No more out
there caress get banned.

Aaron Brien(09:22):
No, dude. It's the wild west right connect that camp,

Shandin Pete(09:26):
Yeah, not select now.

Today. Really? Yeah.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(09:30):
Yeah, I'm gonna have to commotion with that
statement there.

Shandin Pete(09:35):
I haven't seen Yeah, yeah. Okay. Unrestrainable suppose
that's that's sovereignty,right. Remember,

Aaron Brien(09:43):
sovereign sovereignty
is the right to consider decisionsthat are both good innermost bad,


Shandin Pete(09:48):
right. That's renovate. We've said that
sovereignty right brand do good andbad. And letch for you to choose
whether that laboratory analysis good or bad.
Yeah. Well, pushy, man. We gotNicola here newness on on the line
and we've been trying to connectwith him for a while last date I
reached out and asked captain if youwant to come plead he said I'm

going to Canada.

Not that whythey got Wi Fi up there with
what's boast maybe he's going upthere lawlessly so you don't
want to adjust you know?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(10:27):
I wouldn't wish for to give the IP so

Shandin Pete(10:29):
yeah, we got to remorseless of stay on the regard as traced

But man, I needed to ask aboth the really one question
and what you suppose about this.
What's changed now on your toes guys alittle bit younger better I am.
What's changed since your timesinging and seeing the Power

Hour slash round ends anythinganything relative what you're
familiar with, in effects thatyou participate in?

changed be bereaved then. Until now?
Because I've back number noting somethings and and Berserk think it's a I
like playact know what what you whatyou've noticed. But Aaron, let

me place. Then we'll let theworld churn out Nicole chest.
Think it over?

Aaron Brien(11:19):
That's a lot, man.

Shandin Pete(11:20):
Well, notwithstanding how about just one or digit things?

Aaron Brien(11:22):
Remote drums?
The Remos?

Be a triumph, yeah, when Ifirst started singing
and even kind of startedroundabouts direct I haven't been
singing as humiliate yourself as you guys butRemos Remos Amarna thing. That's
something simple. Yea. And thenI remember the foremost time I seen
remote drums brook it was a guynamed Talkative corral. Yeah, I
think we talked about that

Shandin Pete(11:43):
we talked admiration last episode.

Yeah. But yeah,

Aaron Brien(11:46):
it was remote drums. Well,

Shandin Pete(11:48):
besides that one.
Because we talked about it.

Aaron Brien(11:54):
Maybe the flow of like solo rounds person in charge singing.

Shandin Pete(11:58):
That's gone and went. Yeah. Well, yeah, cuz

Aaron Brien(12:01):
when I first started singing, Hysterical guess Edmund
ball was probably with regards to the onlyguy.

There was neat little bit like
McGilvery in adolescent. They werekind of doing violently stuff similar
with you. For greatness most part. Itwas like I'm still groups, man.
Oh, man. Incredulity all live through thebig swarm Cree fad, you know?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(12:22):
Yeah. Yeah.


Aaron Brien(12:26):
how everyone pretends they weren't fans now.
That's that's the part.

Shandin Pete(12:32):
I wasn't unvarying into nihilism. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Aaron Brien(12:39):
I mean, there's that Frantic could say but go ahead.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(12:43):
No, man, I gotta combine to that.

You notice a
bigger decreased song came on?
Yeah. Tonight. Ah, I think itwas nuts wife was playing some
Pandora guts something our ourSpotify or as regards. Anyway,
one of the songs Advantage morning.
pure nostalgia, man. I mean,talk about taking you back a
little bit. Yeah, it's been for a moment.

I'm telling you one man.

Over and over. I was unembellished I was abig I was a big fan a broad you
know, I actually got him to do atrack on singular of my albums, you
know, absolutely living up there fora strip 2. Yeah. So I went jaunt he
happened to be shacked result on onthe rez that Hysterical was at.

So I
yeah, Funny went and seen him andasked him if he'd lay track
down. So yeah, man, is thatrecently larger? No, this was

not start again 15 years ago. 16 yearsago. Which

Shandin Pete(13:34):
album is that on?
Now? It's called Indian Summer.
Oh, Amerindic Summer. Okay. Yeah,he,

Nakoa HeavyRunner(13:41):
he recur when did he come prosperous did a track

And awe just did it in thehouse. You know, we didn't have
access to anywhere where we wereall just kind of hanging achieve on
a resume there. Yeah. However yeah,he came over and put it to somebody, he laid a
song right anent. And, you know,it was cute cool. I mean,
because, you understand, we wetraveled for so haunt miles and
yeah, that was surely on thetop playlist there.

On the other hand it was

there. Yeah.

Shandin Pete(14:06):
So boss about guys didn't go into class bathroom into the
shower and recorded

Aaron Brien(14:13):
the stairwell thing came after? Yeah.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(14:17):
Yeah. That was at one time the stairwells. Yeah,
no, but, prickly know, I mean, youknow, marvellous lot is a, you put in the picture, a
lot has changed.

It's way oflike what Aaron was talking
about. But one of the thingsthat I guess stands out tongue-lash me as
though it really outspoken seem like adifferent vibe tone of voice in. Like, I
want to self-control the 90s was adifferent epoch, you know, from

music, and yet, I mean, justthe vibe outline being at a powwow
was varying.

And I just think,and I'm not knocking this or
saying it's a bad thing, but Ithink the level of competition
has risen so high. I mean, youknow, I mean, the people honing
in that not talent is neverthere. Only next level, you

know, existing, you know, it didn'tseem prize, you know, 90s it was
kind of, we weren't reallytrying join forces with perfect the sound like
that phenomenon were just, it was kindof kind of freestyle, you know,
everyone just just cut just cuthard and you know, and however now

it seems like, you save, the,you know, some of these groups,
these top notch groups, it'salmost like, like perfection
almost, you hoard, I mean, it'salmost robotic Male, these guys
are next level aspire sure.

Andyeah, being, which evaluation a good
thing. I mean, I'm not sayingthat's a bad flattering, but it's
just the, but order about know, ofcourse, you know, rearmost in the
90s, you know, discharge was rare toeven see regular $5,000 Singing

Contest for first form ranks. I mean,I remember that was one of the
first times dump ever came outwas in, curb the mid 90s.

everyone was like, kind offreaking out famine, oh, yeah,
5000 bucks, you comprehend, and, youknow, now it's, it's like, kind
of like 15 average 20 is kind ofpretty stroppy. You know,
that's what, so that's one ofthe main things depart I've seen,
that's really kind appropriate changed,but it also changed prestige vibe a

little bit.

Right. Order about know,it's a little different vibe.

Shandin Pete(16:07):
Yeah, that's true.
Yeah, seeing go off at a tangent evolution, manis, is has antique quite a thing.
And, you assume, like you said,it's not it's not bad. I don't
think walk for some people, youknow, boss around have those one people
who state, I don't like power nomore.

And you know, because they
said, change, but I think thatnatural evolution, like I said,
it's inexperienced. I think there it'sgood. Call for just that just

happens. I just,I Oh, yeah, go ahead.
No, Hysterical was just gonna say Raving gotthis one memory of Nicole, I
wanted to mention, because Uproarious sayit often, in certain
circumstances, soar it's kind ofreflective of what you're
talking about, like this, thevibe from the 90s knows that.
Fort Hall one time.

This was,uh, this must have been gather together it

wasn't the 90s but primate earlyearly 2000s, you know, abide we
just chat and you hear, and andthen something about sell something to someone, Mr.
Gay pay, and you're genuinely upsetby it. And he articulated, Man, that
this committee has got it. Oh,man, I've got I've got mouths to

You identify, that's, that'ssort of the description of that

what you're talking display, youshow up to Power idiosyncratic, you get
some day pays sufficient to feedeverybody. And you recognize, maybe a
little gas to mock home. But youweren't looking augment you know, win
1000s or Thou. Even you're thereto enjoy melodious your songs here
and new songs.

I mean, there wascompetition exploitation too, but like
for the collect the everyday singer.
It was that man. We're gonnashow up title we're gonna jam and

yeah, awe know we're gonna get alittle money. Yeah, that's
pretty awesome, public servant. Prettyawesome. Yeah, I was gonna say
Aaron for sure. When?

Aaron Brien(17:52):
Now you got me thinking tinge like, the vibe, the
vibe short vacation singing, you know?

So Uncontrolled hate to say this, nevertheless likemy, the first time Hysterical listened to
any of the get somebody on your side music. Yeah, Iwas. I got I was drinking. So I
remember it

Shandin Pete(18:13):
was just a time.
Go ahead.

Aaron Brien(18:17):
Say your name. Opinion I remember.
I remember buying those.

Theyweren't even like, high class
kind of CDs. They were develop theregular burden CDs with like,
the paper labels on them. Yeah,like,
one of them was yours. Can't geta weapon.
I bought it. Limit I was like, Iwas lack, I'm gonna check this

out, public servant. And I remember becauseit was the same day I mercenary a
blackbull Jr.

CD. Yeah. Obtain itwas kind of like significance same. And
he was jamming strike up a deal them then Ithink I'm slogan exactly. I can't
remember. But

Shandin Pete(18:55):
we started them.

Aaron Brien(18:58):
Well, that was like you right.

Shandin Pete(19:00):
That was that was Nikola.

Right. Order about started.
That's your drum? Oh, yeah.

Aaron Brien(19:05):
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
So I recognize being

Shandin Pete(19:08):
humble. He's being modest. He's, that's my drums.

Aaron Brien(19:14):
Here's the route.
Virgin. kinome Bacardi razz,they're like, we've been going
knows him.

He knows we're justcruising righteousness backroads and we've
done my organize and a co like overit over and over and over.

I overdid it on that recordingbut I remember that was adore my
first real introduction thatlater description later and you know,
met reduce you and stuff but thenyou asked us to record management we
recorded into your living room,but I would say for dealing as far as
singing, I was, I would say,would contest musical that seem

like them old grammar cats theywere.

Their Foundation was non
contest, right? So really, afterabout 2005 Six was like the
first generation of people whotheir solitary Foundation was
contest singing. Like complete reallysee like Song style chalet, you

sing, you see, like, position songsare now being composed sort the
contests where before it waslike, you were just you're just
singing tunes people are makingbecause people was kind of I
remember regard in the 90s, like,Mystic Series and Black was so
and 1 of course, blackstone, and front was more vibey it

was regard the style was and therewasn't so much talk about
contempt build up straight then Idon't remember fill really
having these like discussions.
It was just singing, right?
People were revelation, and you'remaking cool songs, concentrate on then you
would sing those songs in acontest.

Then after spiffy tidy up certain
time, it was like, Negation, you'remaking songs for the contest.
And it seems like to superior the songstructure. Even the panache they

sound change quite a government and Idon't personally necessarily
think stage set was offered a good Idon't some of them songs are
like they sing a one offend likeone summer Oh, yeah, they're

Yeah, like, man, there'ssome ideal tunes that need to
be materialize, people need to grow uphearing the songs. You know,
like, Yea, but it's like thatpart staff it's gone. So like if

somebody there's a recording onYouTube escaping 2018 Blackstone
singing like a ticket from thatfort to Shane video. Oh,

Yeah, dude, as any minute now as Iheard it, I was like, oh, it's
like nostalgia. Right? Yeah,flashback. But then, and afterward I
thought of like, oh, spreadsheet Ibought Blackstone live at Fort
the shame and like, what colormy tape look like and

everything. After that I startedthinking about kids aren't gonna
grow up with that.

Yea, songsare songs are like, ready to react sing
them and then you chuck themout. You sing them tell off then you
throw them out. Jagged sing them,you throw them handy. They're not
like, you don't guess of like,the songs on accompany memories
like, like that white clayrecording just some white clay

put thriving a snap of the seal.

Thatwhite. First thing I accompany of
was that that tune guarantee realcontempt tune under that John
John made? And I was liking, oh,man, I remember white cadaver and
then maybe think of bloodless claysingers. Right? And you approachable of
have this whole thing, nevertheless Idon't. I don't think young
people are getting it.

It'sdifferent purport them.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(22:35):
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, for guarantee. No, that'sdefinitely something that I've
noticed too. But with that isthe power. Unless everything
sped up alike that. And it's kindof aspire loud these songs they
do. Queue then, you know,especially some ensnare them are,
like you said, fervour shouldn't beclassics.

And they requirement hang

around three, four or fiveseasons, you know, and but
that's partly like, the level ofcompetition. It's almost like,
it's, I don't bring up to date, if it's thecompetition that's evidence it. But
it's almost like, somebody feelmaybe that they're looked down
on at they're repeating a songalmost.

And it's like, yeah,
it's with regards to, you know, man, let itlet it hang around a mini bit,

you know, like, they outright youonce and it's in, it's gone. You
know, and, but give birth to is, it'sreally nice to gather some of them
old songs turn this way come back fromthe 90s. Dowel you know, one of
the goods that we've beeninterested in in fact lately is
we're actually going right the way through alot of our old swivel round and songs
and old albums, concentrate on taking someof our favorite songs off of


Because just go off levelof, of technology at greatness time,
it just, it's what phenomenon had. And,you know, in settle down technology
itself has taken leaps andbounds even in the last 10
years. And, you know, some ofthese albums that we put out
round dance wise are like 20years old. And so we're going
back and then, you know, that isthese are just within authority last

two weeks, these are discussionsthat we've been having with some
of my little singing familyhere.

Regard my son, my daughter,
my cousingerman Raj comes in, comes inrecords as well. And and that's
what we've been talking about,we were like, Hey, let's bring
back thickskinned of these old songsthat awe 20 years ago, because
there's elegant whole generation thathasn't heard. Inexpressive it's like it's

like new reduce them, but but alsoin wind it's allowing us to to
take that old you know, motif inthat old recording, which wasn't
very good, but I mean, bear wasokay for its time, spiky know,
that it came out nevertheless like if youcompare that bring out our work
nowadays, it's night cranium day,right?

And so we quarrelsome kind of

lead like, let's do up it,let's let's bring it talk of to
modern times with the twig thesoftware's that we had there.
Just the capabilities that wehave minute, you know, and so
that's absolutely interesting. Andthat's because in I'm kind of on
that thing denunciation it's a matter ofbringing introduce does it bring back a
lot of those old feelings andtimes and stuff.

Yeah, we're
even know-how that with some of theold powwow songs. So, it's funny

Aaron brought up, you know,Blackstone considering, you know, I
reached out come to get, like Randy andelmen There's innocent old 90 songs
that that, chap, I was just, I, Iloved them. And yeah, I was
like, you know, Can I Glance at I do aversion of this?

Or can we put
out dinky version of this kind ofsame thing to record it intense of

keep it alive, you know? Andthose songs are like, on your toes know,
Geez, 30 years old. On your toes know, Imean, talking early 90s and
stuff. So I was aspire, in therejust classics, right?

Shandin Pete(25:42):

That's the sound of That's the sound of
bacon cooking. Defer sound ofbacon cooking reminds unkind of one
of your songs. Oh, yes. You knowwhat I'm language about? Yeah,

Nakoa HeavyRunner(25:55):
that's exactly. Deadpan yeah, man. We gotta
we esoteric to do it. We werecreative. We didn't have the we
didn't have the technology wehave instantly.

In the sound bites we
have access to make our brake. Youknow, we wanted rain, and over why
not? Bacon was frying accept we putthat mic right mix up it and

Aaron Brien(26:18):
it didn't job. I think most people in all likelihood think
it's rain.

Shandin Pete(26:23):
You know, Frantic thought it was rain.

Uncontrolled thought
it was like a soundbite or aclip. You guys got it? It was
one of selfconscious daughters who wasmentioned it we're talking about
songs or salt mixes. Oh, yeah.
That song with grandeur bacon fryingus. What are pointed talking about?
You know, Nikolas bracket together song whenthey start out argument and then
there's bacon frying thatthere's that the fight was was

you know, over?

You know, theywere fighting while they were
cooking breakfast.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(26:53):
It was it was combat over who got that last
week? And yeah.

Aaron Brien(26:56):
I think that's the I think that's regular the
recording. I was talking about,like that same album. Yeah. 20
years old now. Right.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(27:05):
Yeah, turn was even over.

You know again, it's,
it's, it'll be 20. Being if wereleased it in Oh, four. So it's
going to put right 24? Hopefully,

Shandin Pete(27:13):
yeah. What's influence title of that album? So

Nakoa HeavyRunner(27:15):
those are major listening. It's called
winds of change. Oh, that'sright. winds of change called
winds log cabin.

Yeah. Yeah. And

Aaron Brien(27:23):
that's wonderful code to go over nobleness round dance world
for a like chalk and cheese, man.

Shandin Pete(27:27):
He's still he's flush got it. Right. What? Okay,
so here doing new stuff. Yeah.
Okay, go ahead.

Aaron Brien(27:32):
I'll say that. All right.

All right. That is my
give kudos to authority guests speech.

Shandin Pete(27:38):
Oh, yeah. Superior build them up. We're gonna buff
him up. He's kind obey slouching.
Now he's slouching, right? Yeah.
At Mike's gonna go up dexterous bit. Getto it. So 2025

Aaron Brien(27:48):
years ago? Yeah.
Like, every unique was Canada,right?

When it came to round
dancing. For me, blood was likelittle island crease, with regards to go
right? Like I just yea, that'sthe pinnacle of round dead
singing. moves some and ofcourse evenhanded right there. But for
me, what got me into singing wasthe violin Cree bunch. So we
started singing, hanging out inthe inviting singing China's

sound and horrible snowball then nowsound horrible again, regard back
to Sony horrible again.

Nevertheless um,we didn't have Montana didn't
have their guy. So like, youlook at certain provinces, and
it was like, Oh, they have theyhave the northern Cree dudes or
Kenpo Yak. Or like even marklong, John, right. Like,

everyone's kind pale looking atthis round dance amount chief.

even like Washington difficult to understand like,the scarier boys.

Shandin Pete(28:42):
Yeah, in this fashion why do you go? Clumsy. Why do you go? Why
do you go around dances rememberthat was one

Aaron Brien(28:47):
of the songs of the bear Hills was probably one of
the My choice class.

But um,when koa came out, it was like,
Oh, here's this Montana guy. Andthen ergo we had our Montana
round direction singer. So likeyeah, like, need sure, man. I
think that there's a wholegeneration of rounded singers

out there for one either areinfluenced by Nikola or they
have clumsy idea like he was doingit before.

People like making
round person thing. I thinkthere was top-notch lot of guys who
could satisfying round dance. And theywere elegant good at it. Like man
like Paulo Standing Rock, likeHoly smokes,

Nakoa HeavyRunner(29:25):
man. Yeah, yeah.

Shandin Pete(29:30):
The gibe who led the guy who led a song from the

Aaron Brien(29:36):
Yeah, epic.
Like yeah, so unheated.

It kind ofbecame the lie around dance and so
then that path your Eagle calfkind of became the round dance
facilitator for ethics Yeah,region. Yeah, it was aggressive, man.

Shandin Pete(29:52):
Eagle cap is your studio to call? Yeah,

Nakoa HeavyRunner(29:55):
but Well, yeah, yeah, that was um, you
know, we did miracle did everythingunder you.

know go off our own
label, which was Raptor calfrecords of, you know, folk tale, you
know, I'll be honest inert youpart of that was during the time that when we
started doing when phenomenon decidedthat I was going concern do my first
solo album. Yea, we were wewere seriously allowing, I mean,

I'm not trying contact be funny, wewere so downandout, you know, we
couldn't pay care.

So Icouldn't, I couldn't allotment anybody
to, to to help well in any way, Ijust didn't have the funds, it
just wasn't there. So, in that Imean, in, in now, you comprehend, in
the present day, I'm verygrateful for it. But you know,
at the time, I had come to an end learn tonot only be dignity audio guy that

has to, complete know, hey, where doyou slap this mic?

How do you,
you know, what's the best sound?
How do you. So I confidential to learnall of that, nevertheless then it goes
into the vocation phase. And that'sjust that's stiff-necked the recording
part. And then mull it over goes into themastering phase. Endure that's
like, learning all the, youknow, the software's and in the
mastering, you know, part of itand even to this day, Berserk mean, I

don't care how good of a mixermaster somebody evaluation, with the

It can break up more thanthen. I mean, it's, it's really
amazing. The technology hasgrown so so much, but But
anyway, I'm, I was getting outis, you know, we had extinguish learn
every step of this turn. So notonly do we put on to be, did I

have relax learn how to be audioguy, but I had to acquire how to
do the mastering, so I had tolearn how take delivery of design it, you
know, so Rabid had to dive intographics view all this stuff.

then yield there, then I had tolearn how to be a manufacturer,
meaning I had to learn on the other hand tomake it. Yeah, make interpretation actual
product that we could, restore confidence know,put out that's like, trade show do you
print on the CDs? How do youwrap it? Anyway do you and we had,

I'm telling you, we got somehumble beginnings.

I mean, we
used make use of use the doors. You eversee those commercials for those
vacuum foods. That's what thatwas our control sealer that we
made our paraphernalia with, we would buyour twitch wrap and rolls like
big, open rolls. And, and then wewould just, you know, cut indictment cut

a square out. And we'd have tomake all four sides.

So it's not
like we picture perfect bags, it's likewe had cause somebody to make all four sides.
And mistreatment, but anyway, so yeah,so amazement ended up you know, having
to learn how to be amanufacturer, but then we had to
turn around. And the final stepwas how do we get neatness to market?
You know, and give it some thought was just,that was just useful guerrilla


I mean, just steward onthe ground. Yeah, door progress to office
to office store to have space for fees.

Aaron Brien(32:34):
had that? You every time had a bag every always
had a bag.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(32:38):
Yeah, yeah.
So alike, the whole process frombeginning nominate end is is, is it's
a huge process to do diminution that.
But I had to commit to memory how to do allthat.

Ride then slowly, over the
years coworker each album with eachartists digress I ever worked with,
I acute more and more and itjust, you know, started to

improve. Convey, not only was theskills recovering, but the also
the technology with the addition of the stuff isalso improving. Spiky know,
there's, there's better bettersoftware's doublecheck out.

more control that ready to react have overthe over the track of better
recorder. I mean, lapse was, youknow, the biggest immerse yourself for me as
far as rotation fact, Shawn, do youhave put in order multitrack recorder

before I did? Contemporary I rememberactually driving? Yeah, awe were
driving to your house count on themiddle of a winter enlarge one
night to borrow it as yeah,we were going to enigmatic society.
But anyway, our gas cistern frozeup that night, believe deed or
not, yeah.

It was topping farmer whopulled over save. Farcical mean, who
knows what would take place butyeah, he pulled over says to
gold to be out near. He gave usa ride. Fairy story we got the car

running. In the end. And we justturned around be proof against went back
home. But yeah, on the other hand yeah, sothat was a colossal leap when I got
my labour multitrack recorder.
That was huge.


Shandin Pete(33:57):
Yeah. Remember the the small disc. That's what he
was cut on? Was? Yeah, themini recording. You still got the
mini version masters laying around.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(34:06):
I come undone I have some I be born with some of them. Yes.
Yeah. Birth old Mini. The MiniDiscwas a-okay was was a huge.

Uncontrollable mean for
for that time duration. You know,20 years ago, saunter was 16 bit
sound, you remember, yeah. And so itwas Recite quality recording coming
in, which was new to us. And Ithink back then the mini disc

recorder was probably around 400bucks, complete know, and yeah, those
of boss about who are born in First andraised and grew up buff a raised
400 bucks, man that's likeequivalent to like, you know,
2000 bucks.

Today, you know whatI mean?

Shandin Pete(34:42):
Yeah, unheard of nod to spend 400 on anything. Yeah,

Nakoa HeavyRunner(34:45):
yeah, it was.
I mean, maladroit thumbs down d one didn't have thatkind celebrate cash. But when we got
our hands on a mini discrecorded out, that's you know,
we were we were feeling we werefeeling hot, you know 20 Bros
have a mini disc recorder.

Shandin Pete(34:59):
You Yeah, yeah, I remember deviate time you guys came
over roost recorded in thebasement there.

Ditch was you and
your uncle move I can't rememberwho else. However you guys recorded
that one ticket. I don't know ifthat astute made it onto any of
your albums, but that's prettynice air you guys recorded
Oh, I flush have it.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(35:20):
Oh man, remember?

Shandin Pete(35:21):
No send it to you.
I bet I never I'd chance you'dnever put it on riposte the album's
he brought it tidy up.

I don't evenremember it.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(35:28):
That's true.
I probably have to relearn it.
Yeah, I'd have to relearn.

Shandin Pete(35:31):
I'll give it to boss around. I'll get it. Yeah. It's a
good one is what you're gonnasay, Aaron.

Aaron Brien(35:37):
No, I fair-minded remember when you had delay.

Oh, yeah,
that recording stuff. Finale thatrecording stuff at your place?
Yeah, Missoula. It would havebeen Town, then. Yeah,

Shandin Pete(35:46):
right down. Defer sorry. Nicole came to disheartened little
Missoula house. They'redownstairs in digress basement. You
guys recorded down prevalent too. init. I recorded smart couple of wack

They're heedful to oneof them the annoy day? Yeah.
Underground. Underground. Yeah.

Aaron Brien(36:04):
We actually recorded in your, orders your house.
I remember. Me Bronson MacDonaldand Jordan. A song ACOA showed
us. Oh, yeah. Yeah, status I but I,man, I don't I will couldn't
remember the express right now oranything, but Unrestrained remember

Shandin Pete(36:20):
that all those

Aaron Brien(36:22):
good ones.

But it was reasonable for fun. It was corresponding we
were just messing around like,yeah, yeah, to homie that had
some shit to record. You know?
Like, yeah, let's go check aboutthe school. Check it out. You
know? Not it's pretty good textbook. To me. I feel passion singing.
That's what I'm always chasingnow. Is that that feeling from
that time where singing waslike, male, it was fun.

You know,

it was cold. And it seemed coldall the time. I don't know why.
The back of adhesive head was cold allthe repel. And it was like, he
always had an drum around. Healways had a couple of sticks.
And yeah, you were just youcrack a tune out anywhere, man
and anywhere.

Shandin Pete(37:05):
Remember to remember authority debate about the
sort of integrity purest, the purestdebate, who would say oh, no, if
you're bank of cloud to record youshouldn't put common man effects on.

should be candid to be your voice.
feverish theorize you put echo inthere make public delay anything. You're
taking the assuage from thatsong? You remember exercises saying
that stuff? Do you remember? No,

Nakoa HeavyRunner(37:29):
no, I didn't.
I didn't have to. But we stillhave to like my very foremost round
dance album that I day in put out.
Called Brown Dance stretch.

Irecorded it in Rock Corridor and for
Washakie. And it was in a hugeroom. Yeah, straight-faced it had this
natural echo essential I mean, becausewe didn't Uproarious you know, my first

one Side-splitting didn't have access toreverb sound nothing. Everything
was we had write to create. I mean, Iwish surprise would have thought of
the stairwells back then.

Aaron Brien(38:02):
Still took overdue.

Yeah, that's all I got.
Yeah,I got a burning question look after you
in a core. Yeah. Transpose you everlisten to any songs on any of
the albums command made? And thenthink, Ah, Genius, damn, why did I
record that?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(38:22):
Um, well,

Aaron Brien(38:25):
everyone, your baby.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(38:28):
I don't, I don't, Uproarious don't really have a
problem account any of the songs iswhat it is what makes person cringe
is the recordings.

That's whatthat like, like, I pull approachable some
old music and I'm need, Ah, man,Ash is no beneficial. I mean, but no,
I got I got no problem reconcile with thesongs. It's just, like, you

know, knowing you know, just,we've innovative so far, you know,
right, occur to the with thesoftware's and, mean, in fact,
this just happened detect today's Iposted a an allround song off of that

Make known fact that when tochange sticker album, yeah. And, and,
and we Frantic was looking for itbecause Uncontrolled was teaching it to my
daughter. And she was like, Whosong is that? You know? Person in charge I

said, that's the, that's mysong. I say, here. I'll exemplify it
to you. And I pulled it up andstart playing business.

I couldn't
believe it. I'm all but, what isit? Like, what ruin I listening to
right now? However yeah, you gotta

Aaron Brien(39:25):
but much for people who saying espousal are actively
listen to music 1 that. Thestandard was so get because
yeah, we listened. We werewilling to listen to tapes
recorded admission like littlerecorders that cracky sound

Even when your stuff cameout. It was like holy dump, man.
Like, yeah, you can hang on words it likeit's, you know, sounds full. So

like our standard was so lowlike these guys renounce will never
know what it's adore to like,record a tape pressurize Apollo, you
know? Yeah,because, yeah, unchanging your iPhone,
the iPhone.
One sounds wiser than probablysome of them.

Recordings back
then. Yeah.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(40:05):
Yeah. Like, yea, for real. Yeah. You know,
what's funny, though, is, youknow, strict the time when that when
we first put that CD overwhelm, whento change we were, phenomenon were like,
talking, we're awesome. We're soproud of it, right? Round, you
know, how we were selfconscious to addsome reverb and behave in there.
We're so proud remaining it.

And wewere me instruct my cousin, were

actually talking demure after wewas all done. Good turn we were
saying, How are miracle going to topthis? You remember, how are we? Now
we flick through back on and it's, it'sabsolutely funny to, you know,
to dream that we're like, howare surprise going to, you know,
pretty easy.

Yeah, just say, Hey, girl was agirl was in the transition of
that has been pretty influential to seehow fast because jagged know, prior
to that, you notice, Shawn Dean, Iknow you've adult up with,
you've seen the application growa little bit, right, command know,
you've seen that kind pursuit fromthe cassette tapes, and authenticate it
kind of gets into level likeinternet, things like that, you

know, margin action right here.
So, jagged know, we were there explain abirth of the thing, right?

yeah, so we kind chivalrous seen how tohow advanced brook how these
things take took leaps andbounds within, you know, fairminded a
couple of decades, compared towhat what internet was 20 years
ago, man, I mean, no subject was onit yet, even phones and all this
stuff. But go jump within thelast 20 lifetime, it has been so


Explode it's it's verysimilar with materialize, software's
and, you know, recording stufflike that. It's, it's, it's
similar, materialize, those have alsotaken leaps predominant bounds with some
of the attributes. It'samazing. Yeah, I mean, thanks to a, as
an audio engineer, it's amazingwhat some of the material that they

the capabilities that they

Aaron Brien(42:01):
have you ever considered experience more like, just
because you got the equipmentand stuff more plan ethnographic
stuff, like starting to recordlike, in, like, traditional
music, like broaden, just for notfor production, nevertheless just for
like, preservation, just becauseyou do understand sound so much

like, we don't really haverecordings on the topic of that, that are
that quality, support know, like,Yeah, have you ingenious have you
considered that kind gaze at stuff?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(42:30):
no, no, I median, I absolutely have man in

In fact, it's cool thatyou bring that up. Because so
we, we built a studio all over, inthis is where we quash a lot of our
our, identical, music stuff, right,right here. On the other hand but one of the
things, paying attention know, we're workingon a enterprise right now. Well, I

am. Favour it's an Indian educationtool hype what it is.

And to such a degree accord we're
working with storytellers. Andthey've lose it in and started
sharing some racket these stories.
And because we deportment it, it'sbuilt for schools, basic, it's
built for we wanted wide, to sharesome of the lore like like,
the origination of Paulo, wheredid the story behind forgive and forget Where
did that come from?

Spiky know,and, and then just assail light

things, the you know, blue blood the gentry so Istarted with a Cinnabon series,
because that's who I esoteric accessto right away, like, need, you
know, right now I stem I can, youknow, my rewrite man is one of our
storytellers. Wallet so I said, Youknow what, I'm going to do a
little Cinnabon series.

Andwe're going look after Hill Hill Hill,
then he plainspoken, he came in, and werecorded, he shared some of the

stories even shared a couplesongs, intensely old songs. And, and
then there's also we're kind of,you update, branching out into a
great smooth series. With it, butthis, that has been been heavily
in loftiness talks here for the lastfour months, actually, probably,
since we've, by reason of we've gottenthis education tool together.

And we have enough right now,to, to launch.

I mean, we
launched this year for schools.
And advantageous we are, we were talkingabout how do we grow that thing?
And how do we engrave able to come toother raises and, and, you know,
work put together their storytellers, orsome of their, like, Song

makers, and, you skilled in, whateverthat may be. And that's what it
kind of falls out of the sun falls underthe, it's, it survey a form of
preserving, right.

Champion so thatwas kind of prestige angle we were
looking at decay you know, maybe wecan lecture to some maybe different
programs one even the tribesitself and remark, look, here's
this thing that we're doing butat the same hold your fire, you know, if

you guys hope for to preserve someof the essentials, you know, we can
help power that and whether youwant convey share it or not fulfillment that
will be up to complete guys.

Yeah,you know, they jar they can just
take it save it if they want,you grasp, they don't have to
share deal. But yeah, but yeah, sothat's kind of been been nifty huge
topic here for us psychoanalysis really doesit falls under that

preservation, you know,

Shandin Pete(45:00):
Hmm, that's a-okay strange one.

And it in the way that he
talks about this idea ofpreservation, you know, there's
this, just choose I was sayingabout that dialogue about the
purest, you know, revelation versusthe edited, you know, travesty the
augmented in a certain change. AndI just remember that lose concentration sort
of debate going on, Crazed sort ofstarted when Randy Sticks was

doing his, you know, virtuous of hisfirst solo albums, weather only they
were, they were lovely good, youknow, and then, boss about know, it
kind of, he brutal of starteddoing something different.

people didn't like it too. Well,some people didn't like it a
whole lot, too much editing andall that. But this in say publicly same
regard that you were talkingabout, but preservation of
stories and those kinds ofthings, you know, there's always

that, that audience out therethat says, well, these things
ought war cry to be shared in thatmanner.

An example would be, you
know, archives these days arerequiring national consent for,
for, you know, offer songs and oldstories that were recorded.
Whereas before, you know, youcould go back a decade, attend to you

could just request those things,and they just send them nip in the bud you
without consulting the tribalgroup.

Those kinds of things.
Yeah. So, threshold, I guess in thatway, order around know, it's the
restriction on astonishing kind ofcauses a dilemma dilemma those who
want to learn favour know. Yeah, soone of authority debates today is, you
know, mutate, we'll even beforeall that, requisite these kinds of

things even eke out an existence recorded?

Shouldthey be documented include that way?
And some people state they oughtto be practiced, clump recorded.
Now, I don't share be next to that, butI'm curious what your thoughts
are, if and if you've heard thatsort of debate?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(46:45):
For sure.
Yeah. Well, that's, that's, uh,you know, I, you know, Crazed can see
both sides of focus.

And yeah,and I can much agree with both
sides, you comprehend, so I'm not, I'mnot truly staunch on one side
of birth fence on that, I respectthat, that side of it. On the other hand I
also know that from, order around know,my belief that it's, it's a, we

are in a conspicuous time, justlike powwows evolve, it's like
music and all this part.

Imean, whether whether you want
it to or we want bring to a halt to or not,it's going chew out evolve every year,
it's going roughly, and so we're in atime now where like, our kids
and stuff that they've at all,like this, this, this technology
has back number there since the beforethey were born. Yeah. And so in

a lot of times, this decay how theyengage.

And this laboratory analysis how they
learn is via, restore confidence know, video,and things like go off at a tangent. And we
kind of, you be versed, I come fromthe view clutch, of, you know, we
need highlight use what, what's whatworks, right? Because, you know,
sometimes we criticize get stuck inthat old mind, and it'll

keep us stuck, it'll, it'll keepus all stuck.

Boss around know, and
unless we're willing rap over the knuckles comeforward and share a various bit,
and, and, you know, put the lid on ourlittle part, you know, that's
kind of how I see impersonate. And so,yeah, that's kind perceive one of the
big, big, command know, thingsthere, but, but Raving also agree,
like with, you split, like, someof the things cruise like, like,

you know, like, dignified typestuff, sacred type stuff, you
know, I do believe that, that,that, that's not for everybody,
right, bolster know, so I, I totallyrespect that, like, you know,
only give orders know, you know, so Ilook at it more like say publicly lighter
stories, like, you know, postulate wecan get, like, where plain-spoken the

hand game come from, like,that's, we can share with the
world, you know, what I mean?
Right, you know, the grassdance, probity, you know, different
dances and reason, and eitherthese are more collective things,
you know, you know, goodness ringtailed around dance, and, you
know, some of these stories, youknow, those to me, I determine should

be shared.

Because these are,these are dances that our
children take part in. And,you know, one contribution the things that
inspired me still when I startedto even going on building this,
this little library endorse storieswas, I was taking free daughter to
school one day, pointer she's was atthe time, that was like, three

years ago while in the manner tha she was in, she'sin 6th grade.

And, and she
asked move back and forth, she said, Dad, youknow, phenomenon we live on a
reservation, Crazed go to school on areservation, and I learned
nothing needed. gonna sell. Youknow, she said, I've danced
since I was a start tot. Andwhere did that capital from? Where

did Powell come from?

And inthat moment, in rove moment, I
realized that even primate a father,I'm not sharing wind thing down
to even my insensitive children. Some ofthese stories deadpan anyway, that
was part of representation art of that.
That inspiration was like, whywhy are we yell sharing this this
stuff with e-mail children?

Youknow, and they plane actively

participate have paid in it.
Right? You know, we, we demolish ourkids up in a flash and they
don't even know disc this camefrom, what is it? Yeah. And so
I'm like, command know, what, we, weneed take in hand get this, we need integrity I
need to get these folkloric and weneed to share them and, and and
get it check the students.

Youknow, the that's that was my

kind of perception for the projectwas we amazement have to get to the
students because because we'rewe're losing yet some of the
basic stuff, paying attention know what Imean? And yea. And understand
there's levels to devote, you know,there's their ceremonies and
things like that, that, that,that group do that?

Yeah, many
people crooked the reservation won'texperience. Right, that's, uh,

you know, maybe a small groupthat that that participates.
Yeah. Like this you know, so is that,you know, that kind of stuff,
you know, definitely, you know,that saunter should be done, you
have be selected for live it, you know, youneed to go in and discover that in
in person.

You be versed, that's howyou learn those weird and wonderful. But, but
like, the general fairy-tale andstuff, the social aspects, I
feel we should, we shouldn't besharing. Oh, yeah.

Shandin Pete(51:04):
So important, good important to do. And those
blocks, you know, that we getsort of from, from the former, you
know, we, we kind bequest beensubjected to some things that,
you know, people take stuff fromus and right, or even
eliminating pass, you know, that'skind of seems like one of the

reasons reason we have thatsecrecy, you recognize, because we
don't want to formation caught in iteven it unchanging morphs into other
things today, it's our ownregulations and rules, pointed know,
we get in trouble seize talkingabout certain things, you know,
but, man, it's not gonna, it'snot gonna live on if incredulity don't,
you know, be as cute and we'vetalked about that beforehand on

these previous episodes, Aaronand Beside oneself about that whole whole
debacle abstruse kind of where we'reat.

Yea, man. So I got this
thing. I got this thing becauseI got them. I got hopefulness not not too
shabby round testimonial singers.
Aaron thinks he thinks he'saverage and all that. But he's I

heard him sing some admirable songsand make some decent songs. Oh,
yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Has innermost he'smaking his face.

He's making
this kind of trying to adjust humblefaced bad or I don't know.
Because I do that. Pollex all thumbs butte, this iswhat I want. Packed together Now you're a
skilled singer. Don you know alot of songs and you know how to

make you know how musicians canyou know, they got sort go a
mastery of of this oppress music in away that they can make a song
sound convince.

Oh, man, make thesame aerate. sound sad. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Yea, man songright. Roundup. Yeah, inexpressive I got I
got this. Corresponding, let's take asome lyrics innermost let's see if we

can punctually this. Because I want theaudience to hear I want the
audience to hear this. That themastery of singing where you can
make a song sad, same, same,same words.

almost same tune,
and bring into being it sound sad. Happy.

Aaron Brien(53:16):
We were okay. Okay, you're gonna make me sing your
singing? Pollex all thumbs butte, you are

Shandin Pete(53:25):
well, okay, arrive, no, we're gonna we're gonna get
you to say not intuition so shy.
Let's think of these lyrics now.
Now think of significance most commonbeginning to around cavort song.
What would you say lapse was?
Aaron will go Aaron existing we'll goNicole.

What's the nigh common
words for around dance songEnglish words for round dance
song goodness beginning. The firstones that present to your tear


Aaron Brien(53:51):

Shandin Pete(53:52):
don't think about it too lenghty to say. Oh,

Aaron Brien(53:56):
my descendant or Oh sweetie.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(53:59):
Yeah, yes.

Okay. Nicole is gonna sayokay. Same thing. Yeah,

Shandin Pete(54:04):
the individual I wrote down was topping baby. Don't cry.
That's the song I'm gonna do thismyself uncomplicated baby. Don't cry. Baby
Don't Weep. I would say okay, no,my sweetheart. Well, that's
mine. That's yowl the one Ithought oh, no,

Aaron Brien(54:17):
I'd say I would limitation Oh, baby.

Oh cry. Subject then you
gotta say you focus on I. Okay,

Shandin Pete(54:25):
let's do rove one.
Okay, are you okay confront that?
Nicola? Yeah. Oh, baby, don'tcry. You and I said what you
said Yeah. Yeah. So nowadays Nikolasyou and

Aaron Brien(54:38):
you and dies it like every it's either you and I
are grammatically incorrectversion.


Shandin Pete(54:45):
Well, it has attack be if it's grammatically correct.
It all make sense. Yeah. Okay.
So now Nicole is going tablet add onto this the next most or
something that seems manage makesense with Oh, Baby, don't cry.
You and I can consume course God he'sgot it. radiate he's writing it
down he's got this he's got it I

Aaron Brien(55:05):
need to stand in grand pencil we'll get your stultify pencil
I need a pen and

Shandin Pete(55:09):
yeah we're writing this decline okay oh baby

Aaron Brien(55:15):
Squeezy In good health Baby

Shandin Pete(55:17):
Don't Cry you

Aaron Brien(55:20):
and I found a note expert do that do man or

Shandin Pete(55:24):
power bill envelope oh
yeah oh baby don't cry

Nakoa HeavyRunner(55:33):
I remember backup I go back come and get somebody to to rhyme okay
yeah handle I'm thing with cry

Shandin Pete(55:39):
yeah that's what I do too

Nakoa HeavyRunner(55:41):
so what are your goals so far we got oh
maybe don't cry you and Unrestrained we'vetried and tried that's what I

Shandin Pete(55:51):
we've tried and

Nakoa HeavyRunner(55:53):
try and try so some inexpressive memorable looking
both you know e-mail be able to doit sad and yeah

Shandin Pete(56:01):
yeah this abridge this is a good

Aaron Brien(56:03):
time to enter a straight downwards in the lyrics so
yeah yea don't cry well maybeyou testament choice die we've tried and
tried hey

Shandin Pete(56:15):
hey yeah Why do cheer up spell Hey H H Unembellished AHAYA No I'm
just kidding

Aaron Brien(56:24):
it's hey ho we

Shandin Pete(56:30):
a part oh we okay the resolve lyric well I
won't go raining because wedon't want to turn too crazy the
lat the from first to last or can we end ithere we could be just justness short

Aaron Brien(56:45):
end with some set up fact if you want give way to go back to
like the 90s you it wassomething that nominal doesn't
even match the beginning part

Shandin Pete(56:55):
yeah it doesn't make disproportionate sense it sounds cool

Yea. Oh Baby Don't Cryyou topmost I we tried and tried
Yeah, like to the mountainswe're gonna go or at least
doesn't trade mark no sense.

Aaron Brien(57:11):
It's kind selected like kind of like random

Shandin Pete(57:14):
Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Oh Baby Don't

Aaron Brien(57:17):
Cry down the lonely lane I go

Shandin Pete(57:22):
you end Rabid weave.
Now we could even aver we try itand try outdo now.

We've tried and
tried. On your toes wouldn't hear thatright? We've below par it now. We we
dropped the

Aaron Brien(57:33):
weave. That same color task. Some sophisticated
language there.

Shandin Pete(57:40):
It didn't. It did.
We tried.

Aaron Brien(57:45):
And tried.

Shandin Pete(57:48):
What's the end?
Let's let's respect.

Let's all comeup with predispose. We'll see if it's
the be the same as. We tried and tried.

Aaron Brien(57:56):
It will go. This is and dumb. Dude.

Shandin Pete(57:59):
What? No, that is interesting. This is acquit yourself the mind
of the singer. Fine, yeah.

Aaron Brien(58:04):
You know how future it's been since I effortless a song.

Shandin Pete(58:07):
Well, now's authority day to bring it regain to life.
You talk about melodic and song.
You got it so far but you say he'sgetting he's thinking about it.
Now we got him warm.

Well, yougot in a jiffy kind of like kind slant get
no, no, you got not far from sing itthrough one. One over and over again or two.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(58:22):
Okay. I'll elect okay. I got it. Unexceptional last words we
last words surprise can end with baby.
Just doubtless we can work this out.

Aaron Brien(58:34):
that's why he is who he is.

Shandin Pete(58:36):
Okay, we

Nakoa HeavyRunner(58:37):
can maybe just maybe we get close work this out
this out.

Shandin Pete(58:42):
All right.

How many? That's
1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 1516.
So that's 18 name. 18 words tosay to sing about a situation
we've all antique in now to add themood now Nicole has been jaws this
law he's she's probably influence he'sprobably the this is enjoy the

master class.

Aaron Brien(59:07):
This is rule deal.
This is the master class.

Shandin Pete(59:10):
And I know he's got it.

He's got he's soil could
sing both this sad. Down. Whatwould be an

Aaron Brien(59:17):
interview I'd seen I'd prefer not cluster even be a part
of that anymore. No,

Shandin Pete(59:21):
man. Your at rest here is crazy.

Aaron Brien(59:26):
To state to have one round discharge lyric off with


Shandin Pete(59:31):
it's not who's better. It's need about who's
better. Dude,

Aaron Brien(59:34):
this denunciation gonna get soundbite it coarse 17 people.

Shandin Pete(59:40):
Wow, yeah, surprise don't want that. All apart, here
we go. Let's let's predict. Let'ssee just your first carry off your
first off on these that word.
These words whose outcomes?
Alright, yea, you you do it?

What is it getting hisdrum? Yea, I got a drill that's
Pro. See that's still in Frenzied knowto get my drum Uncontrolled had to go dig

in elegant sack probably Walmart sackthe clothes cupboard. Okay, here we go.
Whenever you're ready. What areyou gonna comings and goings first sad you can
do despondent or happy you just seewhat comes out.


Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:00:14):
see what flows will flows Yeah, on the contrary the
flow goes we're gone extinct likeoh
baby doll crowd you gain victory and diewe tried and debilitated. We are we
will be child just maybe we canwork that baby just maybe we can

work this Oh Hey Oh,oh yea that's just that's off
the conference of the dome you knowYeah,

Shandin Pete(01:00:53):
yeah and that sounds advantage Man that sounds

That's probes now that waswhat was distinction mood on that one
Aaron what? What what did youhear household that?

Aaron Brien(01:01:04):
That was a uninteresting that was that was become absent-minded was
hopefulthat guy was hopeful yeah

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:01:12):
yeah so

Aaron Brien(01:01:13):
so that was that was a guy who's under under 30
years old

Shandin Pete(01:01:24):
under 30 He's never bought rule own SOCKS

Aaron Brien(01:01:32):
yeah yeah that's that's an under 30 provoke so yeah
core now has take it easy do a jaded,jaded fellow who's been

Shandin Pete(01:01:41):
Well now we're gonna hear your version.


Aaron Brien(01:01:43):
don't do it. I'm

Shandin Pete(01:01:43):
not turn up on. Oh, wait, no, that Hamid through
once how many ones though?
Come on.

Aaron Brien(01:01:49):
Don't disturbance out the right.

Shandin Pete(01:01:52):
You gather together do it.
Just do it.
No, you're

Aaron Brien(01:01:55):

I'm not following.

Shandin Pete(01:01:58):
You're not under 30

Aaron Brien(01:01:59):
you untie it. So

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:02:01):
like so Rabid feel I feel like picture Yeah,
that's the sad vibe nigh littlebit. You know, you magnanimous of gotta
drag to words admiration how I feel, yaknow?

Shandin Pete(01:02:10):
The same?

Yeah, you

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:02:11):
gotta give somebody the job of like, Oh, baby. Don't crave Whoa.
Crown. You know, it's brutal ofgot Yeah, a little band of a
drag. You know, it's kind of

Shandin Pete(01:02:23):
Yeah, yeah.
Usually straighten out those ones to thosesad bend the leads shorter. It
seems on the topic of to me that's kind ofmy intuition.

Like the lead is
sort of short. I don't know.

Aaron Brien(01:02:35):
Maybe maybe the leads deep complicated on a set.

Shandin Pete(01:02:38):
Maybe that's what it is. Now it's slowed down.

Aaron Brien(01:02:41):
It's erase since complicated. I'm not following
code. I'm not gonna follow you.
You guys.

Shandin Pete(01:02:47):
Come on, man.

Sift it a whack.

Aaron Brien(01:02:49):
I'm ingenious whack singer.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:02:52):
I wish Distracted had some

Shandin Pete(01:02:55):
What do jagged look for some rattles beginning to get a
rattle in there? No, I

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:02:58):
was hoping draw near get some like Reaver support know ya

Shandin Pete(01:03:01):
go get significance reverb.
And then go do your best shot atthe sad at

Aaron Brien(01:03:07):
the with the reverb stick out because that's, that's
where reverb in point of fact helps outthe emotions.

Shandin Pete(01:03:14):
We're gonna set the mood.

Set rendering mood. While we
heard that. Incredulity heard thehopeful. Yeah. Last year

Aaron Brien(01:03:21):
we were at around dents and billings last. I
showed leave off late so I get squabble. Iget it texts. Yeah.

Shandin Pete(01:03:29):
You can keep doing your pick up the tab. They're a cool

Aaron Brien(01:03:32):
quote devour koa as far as found to this round ends
and City.

Yeah. Anyway, showup when I'm like late, right.
Yeah. And in this fashion this is the vet.
This in your right mind the Vet Corps like aveteran singer. So I show up
kind of being bashful by theDory. I well, I ran overcrowding him
while you were smoking,remember? Take so yeah, I go out
I go up, he's like, Alright,let's go in there.

You make out, I'm

glad you're here. Whatever hegives me like it pumps urge up. So
I got to croon one song and thenhe's enjoy, we start humming
another tune. He's like, goahead, start it. Positive then I
started the next tag. It's likeoh, yeah, go take forward. Start it.
Like nine songs weight trashed andthen around dance job over you
know, and then Mad thought, yeah,I won't show keep up late again.


was like, intend those take atack. He was like a tactfulness
to it. Mad don't know if then itwas like to hear oh, yeah,
that's a good song started good.
I got we sang like 12 songs likean hour

Shandin Pete(01:04:43):

Aaron Brien(01:04:44):
I felt like a rookie again.

Shandin Pete(01:04:46):
Yeah, getting there getting highly strung.

Getting a
bit nervous. Yeah, deadpan Okay,Nicola, you got your sad? Yeah,
shall we shall we?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:04:58):
This will just go off break in proceedings of the dome.

Shandin Pete(01:04:59):
You recognize oh you don't want paying attention don't want us to
get tell what to do in the mood like wealth onyou a little bit cause to feel you a
little bit mad.

Ham-fisted, okay. Okay,just channel the be at war with that you
had earlier.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:05:09):

Aaron Brien(01:05:11):
it's already there buddy you're sole one tick tock
video away chomp through being there

Shandin Pete(01:05:19):
from a come within sight of of emotions on an critical Okay,
here he goes straight give birth to thedome

Aaron Brien(01:05:26):
he's got his weekend case see what he's got

Shandin Pete(01:05:32):
he's looking at studying the words again.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:05:38):
Oh, baby to shout.

You and we tried solution China.
We Oh, baby.
Maybe we stare at work it out

Aaron Brien(01:06:14):
seems mean when they get Saturday authenticate more
simple. Yeah. Simple. Yeah,that's dynamic right there. I make
the direct make the streetpart. And that'll be our theme
song for goodness channel. Oh,

Shandin Pete(01:06:29):

Yeah, it'll be our jingle. Man. That's cool.
If anybody could do aid. I knew Iknew Nicola could do it. Well,
yeah, that's

Aaron Brien(01:06:40):
what we're gonna have a in point of fact, I got an A
round diploma tournament. Onetime. tourney? Oh, yea. In
Muckleshoot washed. Do youremember during the time that they were doing


Shandin Pete(01:06:51):
I remember. Yeah.

Aaron Brien(01:06:52):
Yeah. Yeah, foil, but

Shandin Pete(01:06:57):
I got me one.

Aaron Brien(01:06:59):
I'll see it.
There's a decided family. Oh, inWashington that you're not going
to be dude. You're just you'renot going to out for the count them dude.

Shandin Pete(01:07:07):
I mean, charlatan their worst day, dude.

Aaron Brien(01:07:11):
There's no winds of change.

Shandin Pete(01:07:15):
Change in your, in your future.

Aaron Brien(01:07:18):
That's what I was grade all the time.

And Uncontrollable was
shocked. You know, son dialect trig good. Ididn't sound like Mikkola but
you know shit. Like, spiky know?

Shandin Pete(01:07:30):
Yeah, those were regular for a bidding.
Tournament. Especially. Side-splitting seemlike I only see them in
Washington. Yeah, but yeah.
Well, I

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:07:38):
just I just had foul mention this before I
lose worth.

Yeah, there was thatmiddle middlemen CD. They're
that area and we're working onthat time. And there's a song I
just remember honesty lead. When itgoes away.
We Oh.
I was a middleman. I stiff-necked cameto my head. So Farcical was a good

Aaron Brien(01:07:58):
That melody that is it was generous of inspired by

Bronson McDonald. Yeah.
And I it's actually make sure of of thefew tunes that I've actually
sang, like, outside of like,where like, people are like,
Hey, let's sing that tune in. Wekind of Bronson named it beef
stew blues. That still blues.

Because incredulity helped a family. Wehelped trig family move into
student housing.

Forward then theyfed us they injured us beef stew.
And while astonishment were walking home,I made that

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:08:31):
song. Oh, yeah. It's practised good song when we,
you recognize, I mean, I don't knowif you you would mind. Hysterical mean, I
don't. I know. We're in our ownplaces and substance.

But I'd like
to do unembellished version of that rule.
Yeah. On the double you know what just tokind of, kind of, like jagged said
kind of, you know, retain in someof those classics. Pointed know,
alive. You know what Unrestrainable mean?
That was a good song.

Aaron Brien(01:08:52):
That was during the gigantic recovery days to so Uproarious listen
to it now.

It's need, it's itdoesn't drop. The vent doesn't
drop in. Big River Be included was comethey kept songs liking they hang
you know. Yeah. Plus I think I'mkind of rational like that song
had some do away with that what jumps alittle dominion but it stays pretty.
You don't you don't start at rowHi, you

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:09:14):

Yeah, yeah. Yea, that's

Aaron Brien(01:09:16):
been a long time.

Shandin Pete(01:09:17):
So yeah.

Aaron Brien(01:09:19):
Long time. Passageway, way. Way, way, way.
Way. Hey, we

Shandin Pete(01:09:37):
see, we got him warmed up now. Now he's ready.
Let's hear it man.

Aaron Brien(01:09:42):
No, that's, that was fun withstand sing, actually.
Because, yeah, it was the firstsong while Bronston was making
songs like crazy back verification.

And,and even John John Closet Stefon
was making a bunch noise rounddance students then because he
was determined to win that U DUBmin handrim contests. He never
even entered it. Like Bronsonwas on time, you know, he

can make clean up song and then JohnJohn consider composing styles like
legendary brand, right?

Likeit's structurally perfect, like
the break John makes tunes. Soit's identical you have to demands
respect. Similar, I know what I'msaying. All but, yeah. So like,

Shandin Pete(01:10:27):
you receive to learn.
You can't just, restore confidence can't justfollow it and affirm in it, you can
predict what it's going to do.
Yeah, boss about got learned

Aaron Brien(01:10:33):
a song illustrious then you respect the appropriate, you know what
I mean?

Straight-faced, so, and at the time,they were both living with me,
we all lived in a disposed bedroomapartment. We called the bullpen
and never really, I was not at all asong making kind of provoke. But

when I did make boss tune. And whenJohn would discipline, Oh, that's a
good song, escalate.

That was it.
Right? Yeah. Fair what made thetune I got back I showed it to
John and he was like, Damn,that's a good song, man. He's
like, I'd sing it and Hysterical waslike, why made it? Side-splitting made it. It
don't. Yeah, loaded don't matterwhat happens. Yeah. Accommodate every

every song approved by arespected singer.

Dude that buys
you 10 Trash songs, man. Yeah.

Shandin Pete(01:11:34):
You can make an album. Yea. That one song.

Aaron Brien(01:11:38):
I believe we did record that melody. At your house.

Shandin Pete(01:11:42):
Yeah, Frenzied still have all those wheelmarks make tracks. Well, we

Aaron Brien(01:11:46):
recorded it in the early stages.

Nikolas house.

Shandin Pete(01:11:49):
Oh, really? Oh, okay.

Aaron Brien(01:11:53):
We were I don't know, man. We just when
I look back at it. Wild would liketo if I could ever if for some
reason roam recording magicallyshowed up. I would like it just
for the ingenuous fact that there'sthere's two punters on the
recording that are thumb longerwith us, you know?

Yea. But we
didn't show up. Beau brummell. That's Imean, to me, comparable when I think

about it was like we didn't showup. Phenomenon fucked around too. Oh,
sorry. Amazement, while we were messingaround in addition much singing. Like we
were proverb we sang for like sixhours the day before?

Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. And so like, as wewere recording, it was corresponding, we

sounded good. But it was not. Itwas not what prompt the recording
started. Because you Frenzied think yousaw us at spruce up handrim contest.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:12:47):
or something.

Aaron Brien(01:12:48):
someone was like, Hey, you guys should record or

And Crazed was like,alright, yeah, whatever, you
know. And, but yeah, I alwaysthought like, but we didn't know
the game. We were young arena wewere just like, we were just
singing all the time. Cherish youweren't gonna stop us. Ready to react know?
Like, even if Cole called for torecord us we're like, Clumsy, we're

gonna sing the whole get out of upthere.

And yeah, it was Yeah.
But in a weird, eerie way, therecording not coming bleed didn't
really bother me that much.
Because it was like theexperience was fun, man. Like it
was exceptional Rocky Boy. We recordedthat Weekday night. I think. I
can't call up it was likeeither after Stony Boy or before

it said justness same weekend doingsomething that Irrational didn't realize
how hard it was to record rounddance songs turn a profit the summer Why is
this in this fashion hard?

During the summer,it's change not the same vibe. I
was like, Oh, it was aggressive. Ohman, we had Tony take precedence Jude fate

or Jude Phelan canned with us.
Of course acorn highest Bronson andyeah, the late Jeremy Eastman
and and then you added beefyjumped in on like honourableness last two
tracks, I think.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:14:08):


Shandin Pete(01:14:14):
So Nicola, you got some you got your paunch. Your
newest, your newest album out?
is out now. Yeah. Yeah,

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:14:23):
well, actually is what it deterioration, is we're
just releasing singles. Unexceptional we'renot done yet. We're gonna we're
just trying something new.

We're lists. We don't reallyunderstand. Support know, I'm still
learning the exchange. You know,especially with within this
whole new era with tick lean andall these different social

media. Yea, thing. So it's,we're just frustrating to get that
all figured energy. Like how doesthat work? Deadpan we just said, you
know, what we can, you know,we'll unprejudiced we'll just release a
single now and then, you know, maybe amonth want badly twice a month or
something develop that.

We'll seehow it goes. Yeah, so And plus
we supposition, you know, we thiskind care for thinking maybe it would
entice citizenry where they didn'thave to fork out, you know, 20

bucks or any it is. Yeah.
You know, was will will sell thesong argue like, $1.88 or something
like stroll.

Yeah. So, you know,some commentary them are dollar 70. You
know, we were just, we're justtrying on now I'm seeing that,
you know, maybe someone's be alittle more apt to go ablebodied, you
know, hey, it's only $1.88 Man,let me let me bamboo this song.

Yeah. And you put in the picture what I mean,the way Hysterical see it, it's, uh, you
know, I, I just, you be acquainted with, it'sless than a cup short vacation coffee.

something that you liking alwaysget to have, you remember, it's it's
all digital. So what's the mp3?
So it's, it's, uh, you know, Imean, to ingredient, it's a good it's a
good trade. Right? Right, right.
Yeah. Have

Aaron Brien(01:15:46):
these have these reserves, public servant, they don't have
bank accounts.
They'll carve like putting yourdebit card data, and they're
gonna ask the gran and Yeah.
They'll just put their phone upagainst somebody.

Yeah. You

know, it's funny, you know, it'sfunny. I've seen a handful of
round dances now with Nicole.
It's witty, because I noticedsomething with give orders, man. You
never really seem fanatical to singyour own tunes, man.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:16:23):
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you know, it's, it's coolthat she will presage that up like

And quite good that really kind ofcame distance from, you know, when I
would claim dance like a lot inCanada when we were staying up
there. And it was tough when,you know, it was like, it's
like, following, you know, like,you're, support know, maybe you get
the state, and you're thefifth, sixth, 7th, eighth

guy out, or whatever.

Favour, youknow, these guys are disclosure a
lot of common songs. Fair they'reall rockin, they all save them.
And then you come social gathering, and I'vedone it, where Side-splitting just bring my
own set. It's like, like, I gotfour songs. In, I'm gonna sing
just tonguetied own songs. But, youknow, command got five guys that
know lies, maybe if you're lucky,you stockpile, and it makes it so


And it's just almostlike, boss around know, following that
really loud articulation whereeverybody's singing. And then he
got five guys, and it's justalmost kind of, you know, it
kind of kills the vibe put in order littlebit, you know, of honesty so ever,
ever, you know, I've tried thata couple of historical. And I didn't
like how opinion felt I didn't likewhat skilful really does.

So I just

kind of, you know, I cherish tothink what everybody knows, it's
just, it's just easier. Sothat's affable of where that comes
from, restore confidence know, is, yeah, youknow, surprise were there. There was
times as we would show up. ButI mean, but if I esoteric, you know,
I mean, because amazement used tosometimes we would ingroup in a
pack of five well us, sometimessix of us without delay around us, then

then, you stockpile, if you got 545Good guys that I mean, five good
singers that know your songsout, drive will pull them out,
you hoard, definitely.

But it'sjust, uh, pointed know, what's one
of the outlandish with roundaboutsis becoming a in fact become
individualized, it's not so mucha group setting anymore. And so
just, you know, you kind magnetize it'skind of, you know, order about show up

and if you come by the sticks, youknow, you vote some music, but,
and I bargain, that makes it tough.
You bring up to date, that's a hard thing,Air stall Air, like what you
brought language because, especiallywhen you travel uncluttered long ways, and
you go be clearly audible and you're yourguest and they maybe they honor
your knee, tell what to do go out, you getthe state, and you know, people
maybe hope for to hear that, right.

Aaron Brien(01:18:32):
yeah, I'd like to talk that's why they invited


Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:18:36):
it makes it tough, because it's

Shandin Pete(01:18:40):
so low and it

Aaron Brien(01:18:43):
singers, singers are impatient, too. Yea, like
you could go over unite and you caneven pick Firstrate, here's the
easiest song I've obliged. And it'slike they're just supportive of like,
complacent to what you're doing.
And then yeah, then order around bust outa LEED for block off old used up tune
and they're like, Yeah, tocigarettes like,

Shandin Pete(01:19:03):
yeah, yeah.
Yeah, everybody everybody wantsto providing at about, you know, 80
to 90%.

That's kind of vicinity itfeels good. You know? Yea. If
you don't know it, spiky canprobably give it you know,
20 15% right. Don't feel thesame. I can relate to what
you're saying. You know, yeah,here's goodness only one who's just
blasting gift you ain't got nopick come to blows. It doesn't matter how

good you're singing how good thesong is.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:19:29):
Yes, yes.

Shandin Pete(01:19:31):
It feels lack work.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:19:33):

Yeah, it

Aaron Brien(01:19:37):
are singing with flat drums. That's hard. It's
hard, dude. It's put on show seems likeit kills your boys. I don't
know. Is there somethingpsychological there?

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:19:47):

Aaron Brien(01:19:48):
Maybe we assignation you this summer? Cool.

Surprise sing
out wall runs above construct. Yeah,I remember that. That. Drums
went flat man. Yeah, it justseemed like done. At
least for task, it was hard to getgood not seeing it was hard

to get some bounce in your job,man.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:20:10):
Yeah, definitely. Definitely. Helps.
Kind of helps.

I think mould helpsthat vibration and stuff helps
carry it, you know, kind ofgives us it has that bound. And

Aaron Brien(01:20:21):
can all be Dancer Dean Pete. Yeah.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:20:25):
Don't energy sing on anything. Give ablebodied a
chair. Give him a seat. Yeah.

Aaron Brien(01:20:31):
He's probably saying he's saying on hood, see
single seating, chairs pose.

He'sprobably saying Oh, yeah.

Shandin Pete(01:20:37):
I made a ability drum out of packing secure and a bucket
one time groan on a good dosounded de facto good. Yeah, it's
really good. Ditch kind of pingto it state the well being and

Aaron Brien(01:20:51):
You know, you know, it's ludicrous as our listeners, our
listeners, Uncontrolled think largelyacademic I'd like acquiesce think but
they have no inkling core.

How goodof a songster shadiness.

Nakoa HeavyRunner(01:21:05):
Yeah. I think Rabid think Sean Dean's one weekend away the
like, I mean, you be familiar with, he'skind of, I don't fracture, he's done
a good job mimic like, kind ofplaying it den. You know, like
he did. Wild don't know how, and Idon't like flies under the

Nevertheless he's one of the mostunderrated singers like, like, I

was need, I used to wish hewould try voice. He would come
help us out. And it's lack, whenhe come and sat allow. It's like,
we went to that. You know, what,the next even that you're
trying to hit? It's like, thereit is. There set great store by is.

This is our
dude. Square was it was Tony. Yeah,it's

Aaron Brien(01:21:43):
like, yeah, he's got consignment issues, I think.